Radical Embodiment Workshops

Tap into the infinite power of Radical Embodiment and unleash your highest potential

A new interactive method Developed to empower people to move beyond patterns of limitation, fear and social conditioning and Create a life they love!

Available Online and In Person

The Radical Embodiment Workshop is for:

Yoga Studios

Amy’s signature approach to personal transformation through movement, music visualization, exploring values, and inspiring a powerful vision is invaluable for your clients. The Radical Embodiment Method at its very core promotes self awareness, acceptance, and transformation.


Amy’s Signature 4-Step process; Reflect, Release, Re-Envision & Re-Design will  immerse and transform your participants through movement, visualization, and music. This unique experience inspires and motivates people to ground themselves in their bodies wisdom and become present to their lives with embodiment.

Coaching Communities

Amy is a coach and speaker who has first hand experience in coaching and teaching groups.  If you are looking to add value to your coaching programs, integrating the Radical Embodiment Method workshops will empower your community with its unique and creative  transformative abilities.


Amy’s unique approach to increasing productivity through movement, visualization, and inspiring a powerful vision is invaluable for your non profit, profit, and corporate organizations. The Radical Embodiment Method promotes leadership, ignites out of the box thinking, and creates a harmonious workplace.

In Our Workshops You Will Learn To:

Release limiting beliefs and embrace a new empowered reality.

Connect with your innate power and Tap into the wisdom of the body.

Step out of your comfort zone and into confidence, freedom, and your best life.

Create a vision and embody the values to bring your vision to fruition. 

Our Most Sought After Workshops!

Each workshop focuses on personal transformation through Self Reflection, Embodiment, Visualization, and tapping into their inner knowing.

The Belief Buster Workshop

Gain clarity on the beliefs that are keeping us from our best life.  This deep dive promotes success as we uncover what is holding up back in business, relationships, and in life. 

YOU First Workshop

An exclusive experience for women who have shame and guilt around putting themselves first. This powerful workshop reconnects women with their passions and reconnects them with their personal goals.

Be The Visionary Workshop

Create a vision that is grounded in values and our true desires. Ignite the flame to our deepest desires and create practical steps to being our vision to fruition. 

Embody Your Gifts Workshop

Time to bring our gifts to the forefront of our lives and take credit where credit is due. Learn how to use your gifts in life, business, and in relationships. 

Embodying Your Values

Clarify your values, learn what values we get to adopt, and embody them so they are rooted in our body. During this experience you will learn how values are tools to resolve conflict, they keep us walking in integrity on our path, and they are the most important aspect of choice.

Transform With Radical Acceptance

A powerful look into Radical Acceptance to release yourself and others from the stories that keep us stuck in  life, business, and relationships. We work through the 3 steps of Radical Acceptance and find peace around things that we cannot change or control and new strategies to adopt.

The Infinite Power of the Radically Embodied

Is your community eager to break free from limiting beliefs and habits, and embrace a new empowered reality? Are they ready to pursue their dreams without the constraints of self-doubt holding them back?

Through the Radical Embodiment Method, I aim to help unlock peoples full potential so they can live successful and authentic lives. The REM workshops are a supportive space where challenges are safely met alongside other like-minded people.

Each workshop focuses on personal transformation through Reflection, embodying confidence, exploring values, and tapping into one’s inner knowing. It is my goal to empower people to create the life they love and connections they desire.

The Radical Embodiment Vision...

Life. Business. Relationships

We are developing, transforming, and Elevating lives on all levels.


Movement, music, visualization exercises, body checks to increase mind body connectio


Build confidence, release old programing, and utilize journaling to counteract thoughts, beliefs, and habits that are keeping us from our dreams and desires.


Use the power of community to ignite our healing through the shared experience.

Radical Embodiment

A transformative, experiential, and interactive experience where you get to connect, express, let go, and embrace your core self through movement and self discovery.

Breathe, Move, Meditate….Break Free!

Amy's Signature 4-Step Process

Reflect. Release. Re-Envision. Re-Design.


Define and become aware of the thoughts and beliefs that are keeping us from achieving our dreams.


Tap into the wisdom of the body and let go of limiting beliefs that keep us from our best lives.


Opens the mind and body to foster expansion, new beliefs, thoughts, and possibilities for our lives.


Creative strategies to live out your vision with confidence.

The Radical Embodiment Method is a pathway back to YOU!

Hello I'm Amy Schadt!

I am the creator of the Radical Embodiment Method, a certified life coach and dance educator who is committed to helping  people reconnect with their authentic selves, through movement, visualization, and coaching.  

With over 20 years of experience as a dancer and educator I realized that many are stuck in perfection and negative mind chatter that inhibits our experiences and keeps us from achieving our greatest dreams. 

To help overcome these barriers, I developed a signature four-step process; Reflect, Release, Re-Envision, and Re-Design. This process encourages personal transformation through creative visualizations, mind-body connection, and exploring new ways of being.

Combining my professional experience I designed this signature method to empower people to achieve inner freedom and unleash their full potential.

In our interactive Radical Embodiment workshops, we create a supportive environment where participants can safely explore their challenges, develop a positive mindset and tap into their creativity.

We Love To Tailor Our Workshops To Your Communities Needs!

The Radical Embodiment Method Has Endless Possibilities!

Nothing Is Off The Table!

Just Ask...

Break Free

Let Go

Success Stories

"I highly recommend the Radical Embodiment Method to anyone looking for support and guidance in navigating life's challenges."

Amy’s coaching style is incredibly effective and her Radical Embodiment Method has been a lifesaver for me. The guided reflection has been incredibly helpful in identifying my core values, working through my grief, and has given me an effective strategies for dealing with any challenge that comes my way. After the workshop, I felt supported and empowered.  Peggy

"The Radical Embodiment Method has been a game-changer for me."

As an entrepreneur, I found myself feeling disconnected from my body and constantly worried about growing my business and paying bills. The combination of movement, guided visualization, and journaling exercises helped me reconnect with my body, making my intuition stronger and more confident in my relationships and business. I now have a tangible method whenever I feel overwhelmed.  If you’re looking to reconnect with your body, have a better relationship with yourself and others, and become more confident, this workshop is definitely worth considering. Krystal 

"I wanted to let go of old, detrimental habits that were keeping me stuck in negative practices and self talk, Amy taught me how."

Amy has a knack for zeroing in on the stumbling blocks many of us place in front of our vision.  Amy is honest to share that she, among many of us, has had some of the same behaviors and that the Radical Embodiment Method is a practice to literally “change our minds and hearts.”  I highly recommend this workshop for all who want to reset ingrained habits that stifle your confidence and happiness. -Liz P


Boost your mood and energy naturally with the happy hormones. Dopamine generates hope, endorphins bring you joy, then add adrenaline to make you feel powerful it is a perfect combination to set yourself up for success.


Get inspired, be empowered, become the visionary leader as you create positive influence through your personal experiences, frustrations, and achievements with like-minded people who are headed for the same goal.


Get clear as you release negative thoughts and beliefs that are stuck in your mind and body. A clear mind and body leads to better decision-making, fewer regrets, space to imagine a new future, and the freedom to take imperfect action.


Enhance your memory, connect to something greater than yourself, and increase self awareness. We use music as a powerful transformational tool to reflect on self and connect to the Universe and its unstoppable energy.


Overcome procrastination and build confidence with accountability and support. Give up going it alone and finally create the focus and passion to bring your vision to life.

Self Reflection

Forge a deeper form of learning as you tap into every aspect of an experience, clarify our thinking, and hone in on what really matters in making aligned decisions and releasing the stories that keep us stuck.

What are the benefits of holding a Radical Embodiment Workshop?

  1. Creative visualizations reduce stress and anxiety, improves focus and concentration, increases self-awareness, and boosts the motivation.

2. Workshops are interactive and participation based allowing the participants to experience the transformational benefits of  active learning and critical thinking.

3. Your community does not need any dance, meditation, or breathwork experience to participate, just the willingness to learn and take in the experience.

4. Movement can help to release limiting beliefs by providing a physical release of emotions and thoughts that may be holding us back. It can help to create more space in the body, allowing for greater connection with one’s true self.

5. Learning in a community of like minded people encourages empathy, collaboration, and the realization that they are not alone in their thoughts and beliefs.

More Client Success

"I am seeing tangible results in my dating life and confidence."

The Radical Embodiment Workshop is a fantastic experience that is led by Amy, a passionate and knowledgeable coach. She creates a safe and supportive environment for participants to grow and learn.  The classes are energizing and provide me with clarity. Overall, the workshop is a great fit for anyone looking to explore their personal growth and development, improve their relationships, and increase their confidence. Lupe

Connect with us today!